Monday, September 30, 2019

Life and Ministry of A. J. Tomlinson

Ambrose J. Tomlinson (1865-1943) belonged to a moderately wealthy family from Westfield, Indiana.   His family conducted business, and so the young Tomlinson, after finishing his studies at the prominent Westfield Academy, tried his hand at business as well.   His life in the huge Quaker community was serene to begin with.   In the rural community, Tomlinson was able to connect with a few religious people who strengthened his interest in the Gospel (Hunter, 2003).Tomlinson’s neighbors in Westfield included two African-American families.   Each summer the African-American families in addition to some of the freed slaves attended camp meetings of people of color.   White worshippers were attracted to the meetings as well.   Even Tomlinson happened to attend some of these meetings.   Soon he was introduced by a man named J. B. Mitchell to Charles G. Finney, a revivalist.   In the year 1894, Tomlinson and Mitchell co-founded the Book and Tract Company which took th em both on short trips to Appalachia.   Tomlinson was introduced to Frank Sandford, the founder of the Shiloh community, and other religious figures around this time (Hunter).Tomlinson’s understanding of religion was enhanced as he encountered important religious personalities.   The Acts 2 commune practiced by the Shiloh community, for example, provided a model for his family to imitate.   In the year 1899, Tomlinson and his family came across the Fire-Baptized Holiness Association of B. H. Irwin (Hunter).   By this time Tomlinson had been eagerly seeking out â€Å"locations where special visitations of the Holy Spirit were occurring (Nienkirchen, 1992, p. 32).†Ã‚   According to Nienkirchen, the goal of Tomlinson was â€Å"to find the true ‘Church of God’ where the preaching of the word was being confirmed by miracles, signs, and wonders, together with gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the pattern of Acts (p. 32).†Ã‚   The Church of God for All Nations describes Tomlinson’s success in eventually finding the Church of God:According to prophecy, the Church (Zion) was ordained to arise from the grave of the Dark  Ages among the Gentiles in the Last Days (Isaiah 60:1-3; Isaiah 52:1).   This occurred on June  13, 1903, in Cherokee County, North Carolina, when Prophet A. J. Tomlinson found the body  of people whom God had chosen to be the resurrection Church of God in its infancy this side  of the Dark Ages.   It was in this same year that the Wright Brothers arose from the earth by  the invention of the airplane, a material witness to what God was doing spiritually (Isaiah  60:8).  Prior to this time, A. J. Tomlinson was a colporteur for the American Bible Society,  distributing Bibles and religious literature throughout the southeastern United States.He also  printed and distributed his first publication called â€Å"Samson's Foxes.†Ã‚   God began to move  upon him to find the bod y of people who would be the Church of the Last Days.   After  investigating many groups, he scripturally determined the one which God had chosen.   It was  the remains of a small union of churches which in 1886 became an association under the  guidance and direction of R. G. Spurling and came to be known as the Christian Union.   It had  dwindled into a small group in Camp Creek, however, because of the tragedies of heresy and  fanaticism which had crept in to destroy the flock.   In 1902 the name was changed from  Christian Union to Holiness Church.   The fellowship, consisting of some twenty members,  was abiding under the name of Holiness Church when A. J. Tomlinson was moved by God to approach them for fellowship (â€Å"Church of God History†).One morning of June 1903, Tomlinson climbed the Prayer Mountain in Cherokee County, North Carolina, to pray for the guidance of God.   Subsequently he was led by the Holy Spirit to join the Church of God t hat he had already discovered.   As Tomlinson was being led by the Holy Spirit, the Wright Brothers were trying hard to fly in another corner of North Carolina.   This acted as a sign for Tomlinson.   Moreover, his anointed leadership role became apparent to the others as well around the same time.   Tomlinson was made the pastor of the little community of believers almost immediately.   He was eventually recognized as a chosen one of God.   The Church was destined to grow under his guidance, until it was considered essential to arrange a General Assembly in the year 1906.   The General Assembly mainly consisted of the ministry.   After the meeting, the Church was able to grow further and its operations became more formalized.   The name of Tomlinson’s Church was eventually changed to Church of God in the year 1907 (â€Å"Church of God History†).Tomlinson noted that he felt â€Å"more fully awakened† in the year 1907 (Hunter).   Soon after, h e was granted the title of General Moderator of the Church of God.   In the year 1910, he was named General Overseer of the Church.   Four years later, the man’s appointment was acknowledged as perpetual.   In the year 1918, his life changed once again as his nation suffered from influenza and the Church was unable to convene a general conference.   From 1919, the state of affairs of the Church began to face a downturn, as the democratic government tried to disrupt its operation.In 1922, the democratic government was able to draw up a constitution to subjugate Tomlinson to the total control as well as limitations imposed by the laws of the land.   Tomlinson realized that this move on the part of the government was designed to control the â€Å"Theocratic Government (â€Å"Church of God History†).†Ã‚   From that point on, the man tried to do his utmost to make corrections in the functioning of the Church.   Because the financial records of the Church were not organized, however, the government expressed its doubts and suspicions about the conduct of the General Overseer.   Nevertheless, Tomlinson assumed complete responsibility for the financial affairs of his Church.   He was ultimately impeached in the year 1923 (â€Å"Church of God History†).Being a man of God, Tomlinson had failed to properly attend to the monetary affairs of the Church, as he had preferred to attend to the Holy Spirit.   Although he lost his position as the General Overseer of the Church, he could not lose his anointing from God.   Thus, the man remained loyal to the â€Å"Theocratic Government† as well as his appointment from God to lead people in faith (â€Å"Church of God History†).   Tomlinson performed these God-assigned duties with vigor and tenacity.   He even tried to reform the Church â€Å"by a principle well supported in Jeremiah 18:1-11 (â€Å"Church of God History†).†Ã‚   He had been impeached in J une.   By September he was able to get the Church of God to publish a periodical called The White Wing Messenger (â€Å"Church of God History†).Unsurprisingly, the Church of God began to flourish once more under the leadership of Tomlinson.   Although it had been persecuted, the Church also began to experience financial prosperity.   Most importantly, it was able to increase its understanding of prophetic truth through the guidance of Tomlinson.   The flag of the Church was â€Å"revealed according to Psalms 60:4 (â€Å"Church of God History†).†Ã‚   Soon after the United States Patent Office had granted recognition to the flag, in the year 1939, Tomlinson heard of a young minister named Grady R. Kent, who had been severely persecuted in Egan, Georgia.   Tomlinson invited Kent to pastor a local church in Cleveland.   Once he realized that Kent was a successful preacher, Tomlinson taught him about many prophetic passages.   The Church of Prophecy Mak ers Association was formed in the year 1941.   Shortly before his death in 1943, Tomlinson appointed Kent as its general secretary (â€Å"Church of God History†).Thus, Tomlinson fulfilled his responsibilities toward the Church until the very end of his term on earth.   Franklin D. Roosevelt, the president of the United States, was one of the many people who expressed their condolences at the demise of the great minister.   Tomlinson had been largely responsible for the â€Å"overspread of Pentecostalism† during the twentieth century (â€Å"Church of God History†).   Most importantly, however, he was responsible for helping countless people expand their knowledge about the Gospel.   Milton, his younger son, who was appointed as the General Overseer of the Church of God, is not known to have possessed the qualities of his father (â€Å"Church of God History†).   After all, Tomlinson had nurtured a special relationship with God that had granted h im special privileges in connection with the Holy Spirit, and ultimately with the Body of Christ.ReferencesHunter, H. D. (2003, Winter/Spring). A. J. Tomlinson’s Journey Toward Racial Reconciliation.Church of God History and Heritage.Nienkirchen, C. W. (1992). A. B. Simpson and the Pentecostal Movement. Peabody, MA:Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cause and Effects of Teenage Drinking and Drug Use Essay

As a former offender of teenage substance abuse and driving while under the influence, I know full well how hard this topic hits home and my wallet. I have tried almost everything except needles; I drew the line there. The biggest factor that I faced as a pre/teen at home, middle, Jr. high, high school was peer pressure. During these years, it was like riding a rollercoaster with my drinking, drugging, and emotional problems it equaled one messed up kid. I was placed in rehab five times, until my last close call. I went to a party in 1988 with a few friends, with the intentions’ of getting drunk and high. I got into a truck and crashed it, and was in the hospital for two weeks. This is when I told myself, enough is enough and I checked into a rehab. I was there almost six and a half months attending meetings and addressing other problems that I was having. One of my assignments while in rehab was a reflection paper: The melting summer night, from hell August 10, 1988 I left my house to, party with friends; After stopping to pick up a few cases of beer and three bottles of Jack, we rolled up to a bonfire; The huge fire lit up the pine trees all around me; With a beer in hand, I took a few hits of a joint that someone past around; With the loud music in the back ground, the embers from the fire seemed to dance in the cool dark sky; Look at the bats fly through the fluttering lights of the fire; A girl that I go to school with, walked over to me and told me to open my mouth; She put a pill in then told me to swallow it and said: â€Å"Have a good time†; I started to sweat and feel dizzy so I sat down on a log that was behind me; Daphne walked over and kissed me, and asked: â€Å"How are you doing†; Look at the fireflies, flying all around; All I could hear was: Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh and voices started s—l—u—r—r—i—n—g around me; The music became hollow; Colors started leaking out of the dark; The trees around me, started bleeding green; The mosquitoes with their huge fangs, were trying to bite me; I heard a heavy pulsing noise through m head, telling me to run; Rain falls on me; I step in puddles of blue, black, green, red, and purple; People are coming to get me; Lights all around; I’m lying on the ground; Something is in my eyes, it’s wet; I feel like I’m floating; Someone, screams aloud; I try to put my hand up to my head, but I can’t; A clap of thunder rips out of the silent darkness, and screams ring out once again; I manage to roll to my side and throw up; I can hear someone from the darkness call my name: Bobby—Bobby; All I can smell is, hot oil and gas; I open my eyes and see nothing at all; I feel wet and cold but my skin burns so bad; What’s this light shining on me; I can see someone talking but, I can’t understand what they are saying; What the fuck, was that! I panicked as their, eyes fall out; I opened my eyes and saw my dad standing near, yelling at me; I tried to say something but, nothing came out; My throat hurts; I tried to pull away but, I could not; Why are my arms and le gs tied down; My eyes are so heavy; I wake up in an unfamiliar room; Meetings and groups all the time; I can remember that melting summers night from hell, and getting one last chance. Given my past experiences with alcohol and drugs I’ve come up with six questions for someone in a similar situation: I. Who, is affected by teenage drinking and drug use? In 1988. I did not care who I affected as long as I had my alcohol. Today, I know that my actions affected everyone around me and caused undue pain. II. What are the hidden dangers and unseen costs that teens face while drinking and using illegal drugs? Teens don’t realize the consequences of their actions. Hidden dangers, alcohol and drugs can take a toll on the body from killing brain cells to liver or kidney failure. The unseen costs come from many different sources like death, DUI’s and legal fees, and your freedom. â€Å"Drunk Driving: In 2011, 9,878 people were killed and approximately 350,000 were injured. Each crash, each death, each injury impacts not only the person in the crash, but family, friends, classmates, coworkers and more. Even those who have not been directly touched help pa y the $132 billion yearly price tag of drunk driving. But together we can eliminate drunk driving (â€Å"Mothers Against Drunk Driving,† 2012).† (â€Å"Mothers Against Drunk Driving,† 2012).† III. When, should teens seek an intervention? To tell you the truth, teens never seek out interventions. It’s usually too late, and something has already happened to them, and let’s just face it the truth hurts. IV. Where, can they turn to receive help? When they hit rock bottom and think no one cares, this is the time to let them know people do willing to help no matter how long it takes. (â€Å"Alcoholics Anonymous,† 2013), Palmer Drug Abuse Program (PDAP) – San Antonio or a similar programs. Why PDAP? Simply put, PDAP works!! 89% of our chemically-dependent participants who remain active in PDAP for 90 days achieve at least 30 days of sobriety! We understand that relapse is a part of the recovery process. Our environment of love and understanding does not ostracize those who relapse, but rather encourages them to get honest with their use and become accountable not only to themselves and their family, but also to the group of their recovering peers. Those that stay active in PDAP†¦work the steps, attend meetings, come to activities and stay honestâ₠¬ ¦can and do stay sober. (â€Å"PDAP,† 2011,) V. Why, is it important to get clean? Most kids that abuse alcohol and drugs don’t realize the importance to be clean. It affects all aspects of their life like: â€Å"Their health, education, legal-standing, and future employment.† â€Å"Why Should You Care? Growing up is risky business. That’s why, as a parent, you’re always working to keep your child safe from danger. From their first baby steps to the first car keys, you are there for them—teaching life skills and setting limits so your son or daughter will succeed and thrive. Parenting gets more challenging when kids reach adolescence. Teens naturally push their limits, test boundaries, and make choices that baffle and worry parents. They begin to look more mature and grown-up, so it’s easy to be fooled into thinking that they will behave like adults. But they don’t, especially when it comes to alcohol. Of all the dangers your teen faces, underage drinking is among the worst. Whether teens are experimenting with beer, wine, or other liquor, alcohol presents a serious—and potentially deadly—threat. Compared with non-drinking classmates, teens who drink are more likely to: Die in a car crash: Motor vehicle crashes while driving under the influence of alcohol is the leading cause of death in youths ranging from 15 to 20 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. On average, eight teenagers die each day due to alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes. Read more: How Many Teenagers Die From Drugs & Alcohol? |, (Robinson, 1988).(Bempechat, Janine – And Others, 1989-00-00) (â€Å"Mothers Against Drunk Driving,† 2012) How, can a teen take the first steps to admit they have a problem? First, we must understand the interworking of a teen. They think that no one cares or understands them, well their wrong. There has been a whole industry created towards the study that encompasses â€Å"teenagers v. alcohol/drug abuse.† The main thing that parents need to know is, always keep a communication channel open and eventually they will come to you and talk about their problems. Palmer Drug Abuse Program (PDAP) has posted videos on YouTube, and is very informative. Closing I was a former offender of substance abuse and believe me; I had my fair share of education/legal problems. I know full well how much of an impact that this problem had on my family and friends. I have tried almost everything under the sun. My friends at school were my biggest issue that I faced every day, as a pre/teen was: â€Å"peer pressures.† I drew the line after hitting rock bottom and ran away; this is when I first asked for helped and got the treatment I needed. It has taken years to regain control of my life, after one felled marriage; I now have a great understanding wife and two beautiful sons. References Bempechat, Janine – And Others. (1989-00-00). Teenage Pregnancy and Drug Abuse: Sources of Problem Behaviors. ERIC/CUE Digest No. 58. Retrieved from MADD. (2012). Retrieved from Palmer Drug Abuse Program. (2011). Retrieved from Underage Driving. (2012). Retrieved from Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous,. (2013). Retrieved from

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Founding Docs of the U.S. Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Founding Docs of the U.S. Government - Essay Example For instance, it is the right of the people to have the leaders they want and exercise their rights to choose these leaders through elections when they are of legal age, regardless of their color, status and gender. For this reason, the American experiment, or the experiment of representative republican governance, has been established for the nation, being called this way because the United States has long been under the leadership of Great Britain as a group of colonies. As it is even today, Great Britain had a monarchial form of government that the Founding Fathers did not like. In the Constitution that they drafted, they expressed their desire to have a ruler who is not put into power because of his/her familial ties but because a person has the ability to rule the people. However, because of the long dependence of the colonies on the British government, many states were reluctant to accept the idea of independence. When Thomas Paine published his pamphlet Common Sense, the other states courageously embraced the idea because of the bravery of one man who publicly expressed and explained in detail the ideas of independence. Apart from the First Amendment, there have been other amendments that particularly address life and liberty. For instance, the Fourth Amendment prohibits searches, arrests and seizures of property without probable cause. The Fifth Amendment gives an accused the popularly called Miranda Rights. The Sixth Amendment provides a speedy trial; the Third Amendment protects private homeowners from the use of their homes as military quarters during a time of peace. Other amendments protect the rights so that they can live safely. The first ten amendments of the Bill of Rights specify the extent of liberty that citizens must enjoy under the constitution. However, this has not been seen to be true in the lives of African-Americans. Many of them remained to be slaves and have been denied their rights to pursue happiness and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why Online Education Is Bad Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Why Online Education Is Bad - Research Paper Example The advent of computers along with internet has attracted so many people to web-based schools otherwise known as e-Learning or virtual learning or online education. VLE is simply called Online Education in this research paper. Usually, there are seven main reasons why students particularly value online education and supported Home Education as a serious alternative to attending physical schools and colleges: Worldwide residents / expatriates wanting a British-style education, but not satisfied with local provision, or living too remote for the desired schooling; Disability or health issues - either of the student, or a close family member; Confidence issues, perhaps associated with: Bullying in a mainstream school; High achievers and independent learners, perhaps with less common learning styles; School "refusers"; Philosophical, social or religious principles. To further confirm some of the findings, presented in this paper the researcher had ventured to do his own survey and found out a similar negative feedback about Online Education. Indeed, the greater majority, 75% showed dissatisfaction for the online instructors. 63.16 % believed in the importance of social interaction as a major part of education. Of those who took online education, 72.7 % believed that their chances for employment will be worse if they base it only on their eLearning courses. The survey of the researcher therefore affirms the information, that Online Education is bad for those who plan to apply for employment soon after finishing a degree in college.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Childhood Obesity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Childhood Obesity - Assignment Example Obesity not only brings concern about health but it adds to the financial burden too. Obesity augments the health care costs. Estimates reveal that obesity accounts for approximately 10% of yearly medical expenses, increasing the obesity-associated medical costs to $147 billion in 2008. Obesity has reached an alarming position in USA, and two well distinguished categories have been demonstrated namely obese and extreme obese. Findings disclose that over one-third adults of United States adults were found to be obese during the year 2007–2008 (Flegal, 2010). According to The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the incidence of obesity in the United States could be estimated by means of data for height to weight ratio. The prevalence rate of obesity display that there was a steady increase in obesity equally in both the sexes belonging to all ages from 1976 -1980 to 1988-1994. On the other hand the trend in obesity augmentation between 1988-1994 and 1999-2 000 was significant in other ages except for the males belonging to the age between 40 to 59 years. While data analysis from 2001-2002 to 2003-2004 recommended escalating trends since 1999-2000 in males and not in females (Flegal, 2006).? Complications of Childhood Obesity Reports illustrate that around 7 million American children and teenagers are supposed to have elevated cholesterol concentrations. If LDL concentration rises at young age and when these kids grow as adults they are bound to have prominent LDL cholesterol intensities. Such overweight kids are likely to develop cardiovascular disease and diabetes, these diseases are otherwise associated with adults in their middle-age. A drastic rise in type 2 diabetes have been reported by pediatricians among the children and adolescents (Web: Child Obesity In America). Type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity. Reports reveal that almost 40% of the children are associated with this condition. Beside, the obese child also witnesse s physical health issues and social troubles. Morbidly obese children also suffer from emotional distress as a result they develop profuse eating habits. Observation reveals, obese children are delighted if they get eatables they wish for, thereby develop a tendency to eat constantly and still are not satisfied even after consuming a large full meal. Research reports highlight that that eating behavior of children have considerably altered over the past twenty years or so. Children are consuming greater percentage of their calories from junk food items and snacks, containing high proportion of fat, salt and sugar contributing to the obesity of the child (Ludwig & Ebbeling, 2001). Eating Habits The most favorite food items for kids of present epoch are ice creams, soda pop, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, pizza, French fries made of potatoes that is full of starch, milk shakes that are sugar syrups, chips, and candy bars. These food items are devoid of fibers and are rich in fats and chol esterol. Children find raw fruits and salads icky, as they are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

English - Essay Example However, in 2008, this type of household, at 36%, still represents the biggest cohort among all the other different types in Great Britain. The percentage of families with dependent children has stayed relatively steady; while the composition of single parent families in the overall study decreased at a relatively small change rate, over the years. This latter cohort also represents the smallest group. Other types of households, which comprise of same sex couples and civil partners, have increased from 19% to 25%. Overall, people in private households have increased over the decades from 53.4 million to 58.8 million. Let us now take a deeper look at the size of households using the second table. This table looks at the size of households based on the number of persons living in them, from 1 person up to 6 or more. This study also covers nearly 40 years from 1971 to 2008. The biggest group in these cohorts is comprised of two people households, which is related to the couples and fami lies with no children data shown in the earlier table. Starting at 32% in 1971, this category has increased marginally to 35% in 2008. One person households have increased significantly over the decades also, going from 18% in 1971 to 29% in 2008. This single group, in fact, represents the biggest chunk in the overall increase in households that Great Britain has seen since 1971. It is interesting to note that all the other categories of households of more than two people, including households with three, four, five and more than six people, have decreased in the past decades: three people households have decreased from 19% to 16%; four people households have decreased from 17% to 13%; five people households have gown down from 8% to 5%; and households with 6 or more people have decreased from 6% to a mere 2%, maintaining its status as the smallest group. This data concludes effectively that the size of the average household in Great Britain has decreased from 2.9 persons to 2.4 per sons from 1971 to 2008. The contributing factors to this change are a) the increased number of one and two person(s) households, and b) the decreased number of households with 3 or more persons. Assignment 2: Examine the argument that neighbourly relations are characterised by friendly distance. Neighbours make a very important component of societal life: how neighbours behave and interact with each other has a direct effect on the type of communities that are established; whether these communities have cordiality, understanding and generosity or aloofness and mistrust is dependent on how neighbourly relations are. This essay attempts to describe the various characteristics, components and manifestations of strong and good neighbourly relations to shed light on the question of whether these relations are best when friendly but at a distance. The word ‘neighbour’ is used to describe the person living right next door to another person; in speaking terms, neighbours includ es people who reside close together on a street or residential area. A ‘neighbour’ holds an intrinsic social identity (Taylor, p. 167) and associations based on a neighbour’s role. Having good neighbours or a ‘nice neighbourhood’ is a very important characteristic of fruitful social life. However, the definition of a ‘

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Critically evaluate the role of e-Business adoption models to assess Essay

Critically evaluate the role of e-Business adoption models to assess exisiting eBusiness capabilities of SMEs and make recommendations for future strategy and investment - Essay Example In the olden stages of business, the manufacturer used traditional methods of marketing with advertising in the print and electronic media (Shima & Varfan 2008). And traditional methods uses different channels of distribution such as â€Å"wholesalers and retailers† (Bernard et al. 2010). Thus it involves a huge cost of distribution. The functioning of the business based on the â€Å"Internet and web based technology† is termed as E-business (Andam 2003, p. 5). As the technology advances day by day, it is better to adopt these changes to be successful in the business sector in terms of production and marketing. E-business helps in marketing through reducing the advertisement cost by reaching out to the people â€Å"globally† through the internet by search engines such as Yahoo, Google etc (Chapter 1: Introduction to E-business and e-Commerce n.d.). Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have low man-power and low capital compared to large scale companies. Usually SMEs face difficulties at their initial stage of establishment. Since SMEs play a major role in the economic development of the country, a special â€Å"priority† has to be provided (The New SME Definition User Guide and Model Declaration 2005). Hence a study has to be made on the E-business model and the best among them can be adopted for the enhancement of SMEs. The cost of production and distribution is applicable to both large scale and small scale organizations. But the â€Å"SMEs† face more difficulties in raising funds as their amount of investment is very low (Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovative SMEs in a Global Economy: Towards a More Responsible and Inclusive Globalisation 2004). At present the big and branded companies use â€Å"online marketing† as a selling method, which reduces their huge marketing cost (Eriksen & Hemmingsen n.d.). This technique can be also used by the SMEs. It involves the â€Å"electronic transactions† between a company and the third party (Myers, Fletcher & Gordon

Monday, September 23, 2019

FDI in Venezuela's Petroleum Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

FDI in Venezuela's Petroleum Industry - Essay Example At times governmental institutions make decisions based on erroneous information. Venezuela believed in the 1970’s and 1980’s closing the market of its petroleum industry was the best course of action. The governmental nationalism of the industry impeded access to foreign investors. Nationalism refers to the devotion to the interest or culture of one nation (Answer, 2009). A commodity in reality should not be categorized in that manner. Venezuelan made major changes after 1991 to revive its petroleum industry. The topics covered in the answers of the case study provide an analysis of the changes that occurred in the Venezuelan petroleum industry during the past 20 years. 1.In 1976 the Venezuelan government made the decision of nationalizing its oil industry in an attempt to keep this valuable resource away from the hands of greedy foreign oil companies. The plan seemed like a good noble idea at the time, but the reality was that the country made a serious error of judgment. The idea was to save the natural resource so that the Venezuelan people could reap the benefits of having its own crude oil for domestic purposes. The naive and inexperienced management team at the petroleum plant was so incompetent that they failed to develop new oil fields to replace the depletion of existing reserves. Venezuela thought it could become richer by running the operation themselves and keeping complete control. The idea that by keeping foreigners away from the oil would benefit the people of Venezuela the most was a nationalist egocentrism mentality that doomed the Venezuela oil industry.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Philosophy Of Education Paper Essay Example for Free

Philosophy Of Education Paper Essay As with any successful profession, there must be a strong foundation on which  to build upon. This foundation in the field of education is your personal philosophy of education. Successful teaching includes diversity of every student’s backgrounds, and levels of ability. Without losing sight of goals, my beliefs of teaching and learning are very specific. First, I believe every child deserves to receive an education. No matter their race or income, every child deserves to learn. The are innocent beings, and these children are going to be our future someday. More specifically, the philosophy that I would teach to my students would be Cultural Nationalism. â€Å"The cultural nationalist teacher focuses exclusively on the experience of the oppressed group as the center or pivot of the curriculum† (Asante, p. 4). I want to use what is going on in the world and focus on their cultural experience. This allows children from oppressed groups to feel nurtured in their school environment day by day. Another philosophy that I have is, I believe a teacher should make learning fun for his/her students. When children are having fun at school, It makes them want to come back and keep coming back. Regular curriculum can get pretty boring. Making the curriculum fun engages the students into learning, and helps them understand it better. Also, I believe in staying involved with professional development so we can continuously learn new things. It is important to me to keep using updated technology   in classrooms. â€Å"Matthew Arnold warned that faith in machinery was humankind’s greatest menace† (Postman, p. 36). I do not believe in what  Arnold stated. I think that new technology in the classrooms is constantly helping teachers and the whole education process. Next, I believe in striving to have positive relationships with students and parents. It is very important to have somewhat of a personal relationship with your students and their parents. It really shows that you care as a teacher. Developing positive relationships with your students allows you to understand them more. This allows you to figure out the best way to teach each and everyone of your students. There are times when we encounter students that require a little more effort than others. When we are faced with this type of situation teacher must reflect on the true meaning of teaching. This will enable the teacher to embrace the difference in the learning styles of students and allow the teacher to develop innovative strategies for reaching such a diverse population. Teachers should give all students the chance to let their creative juices flow. With a little nudge and some encouragement there is no end to what a student can do. Teachers must realize that the impact that we have on our students last a lifetime. I can always remember being told knowledge is power. This statement has been true for decades and surely will be true in the future.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Holden Caulfield and Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

Holden Caulfield and Huckleberry Finn Essay The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye wonderfully express the thoughts, and feelings that typically run through the average teenagers mind. In each of these stories, the main character is left searching for his true identity. Huck Finns journey leads him to question the beliefs others have imposed upon him since his youth. While Holden Caulfield is a very confused and depressed person who desperately seeks acceptance, and companionship. Both characters are experiencing life as independent people, each having their own unique qualities, but in general they are both learning that in order to survive and make the right decisions, they need to mature. Holden Caulfield and Huck Finn share many of the same characteristics. For one thing, they both tend to lie a lot. Holden lied to nearly everyone he met, one example of his deception was when he met the mother of Ernest Morrow on the train to New York. He told her how popular, kind, and modest her son was despite how Holden hated him. Huck also lies a lot, but usually he only deceives people to protect himself and Jim. This occurs when he dressed up as a girl to find out what the rumors of Jims whereabouts were. They have many other similar qualities such as not conforming to society. Whether it was by choice or not, Huck and Holden paved their own paths, they tried to figure out what was right and wrong for themselves instead of following what everyone else said. The characters Huck Finn and Holden Caulfield share a special bond. Both boys are the most unlikely of heroes, they lie, deceive, act irresponsibly, yet they get the point across. Also, there is a connection between the companions of each character. Holdens closest friend is his younger sister Phoebe, while Hucks adventure is centered around the slave Jim. Slaves of that period were treated at worst as animals, and at best simple children. Jim and Phoebe were on the same level for they were there for support, and could differentiate right from wrong, but they didnt know enough to fully understand what Huck and Holden were mentally going through. Huck Finn is living the life of an average teenager until he finds himself helping the slave, Jim escape from his master. These actions go against  everything Huck has been taught so far, and is also against the law. Huck is in a tricky predicament where he has to decide whether or not to go through with helping Jim escape or to turn him in. This forces a reflection of his morals and an evaluation of Hucks conscience. In the end, Huck decides to follow his heart by not turning Jim in. This shows great loyalty, and maturity on Hucks part to go against the law by doing what he knew was right. Holden Caulfield was deeply, emotionally scarred from the death of his brother Allie, which obviously affects his decision making skills. He falls into a deep depression where he doesnt seem to care that he failed out of four different schools. Holden lies incessantly yet he says that he hates phonies. He sees all the faults in other people without realizing his own imperfections. By the time he comes to the realization that he isnt as perfect as he would have thought, it is too late and he is institutionalized. Although he was sent to an institution, just before he understood that he could not prevent children from growing up, and that he himself needed to mature. Holdens journey didnt end as idealy as he may have hoped, but at least he finally recognized the need to get over Allies death and move on with his life. Huck was able to figure out for himself as Holden did the need for maturity in society. Huck exhibited an excellent example of selflessness in this story, therefore he successfully overcame one of lifes toughest obstacles. Each character had a personal battle they needed to surmount, and both Holden and Huck triumphed. The two characters also have many differences in their actions and lifestyles. Holden is more restricted in his reactions to certain situations. He is not very sure of himself, nor is he brave. Huck on the other hand, is not afraid to take initiative, like when he ran away from home with Jim. Holden was too afraid to leave, he only thought about going away to New Hampshire, or out West.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Impact of Imaginary Friends on Child Development

Impact of Imaginary Friends on Child Development Introduction Childhood is a stage that is distinct and abundantly filled with cognitive, emotional and physical changes. During this period in a human life, wonder, innocence and imagination are rampant. Many skills and lessons are learned that will assist with the course the childs future will follow. This could be described as one of the most essential periods for the development of the individual they will eventually become. Some scholars have questioned whether each individual has a core self. Using some examples of the research of George Mead and John Hewitt- among others- it reveals that there are key aspects of the self that are developed by interactions within cultures and those inner communities. For some children there is a period of time where an imaginary friend is an essential part of this course of self-development. It is difficult to say if the presence of an imaginary friend is something that comes from the core self or if it arises after a certain amount of socialization. I will examine the presence of imaginary friends in younger children lives, specifically those within the preschool years. My intention is to explore the function(s) these imaginary friends might accomplish in the development of the role, identity and self within the child. DISCUSSION One concept came from work done by George Herbert Mead, who is one of the leading theorists dealing with work of symbolic interactionism and the development of the self. His work established concepts of position, play, game, and other basic theories based on relationships between the self and societal impact. Meads stages of development seem to rest entirely upon relations with others. Mead (1934) saw the self as something which ripens and results from associations with other individuals. One of his theories, the double, is signified by the establishment of the self as an entity. Some experiences can lead to the birth of a double and can be represented by imaginary friends created by the child, and which allows them to control their experiences through play. He suggested that entities are formed by human activity. The goals of those activities have two important inferences; people live in a world of objects and societal conduct is oriented to goals and purposes. (Hewitt, 2003). When one recognizes his/her self as an object, involvement in societal interaction is possible. (Mead, 1934) Another key factor in Meads theory is the development of the generalized other which-he believes- is vital in the maturity of the self. His concept of the generalized other is like a performance, a viewpoint that a person must creatively assume in order to take into account the formation of his/her own conduct which is created with principles, expectations and ideas influenced by the members of a particular societal group (Hewitt, 2003). The game and play stage must be passed through to reach full development. The play stage is identified as a period a child learns to take the identities of others and pretends about being the other. This developmental period, known as the play stage, allows the child to assume the role of another person and imagines him/herself to become that person, trying to assume and foresee what he/she imagines the other person might do.(Handel, 1988). During this stage, very important abilities are acquired; the development of role understanding, the capability to assume the status of others, the sharpened sense of one as an entity, and the ability to establish boundaries within that roleit is a phase a child will discover and expand insight of themselves and others. During this era, a child can learn and increase their understanding of their entire universe, including themselves. While the play stage usually correlates to the time frame children have imaginary companions it is essential to have a complete understanding of the next stage, the game stage. The essential difference between the play and the game stage is that in the latter the child must comprehend the attitude of all the others involved in that game (Mead, 1934). Advancement to the game stage is when children can incorporate and think about not only their accomplishments but identify with the actions of others. This awareness comes from interactions with other people. After the game stage has passed the child has arrived, optimistically, at the point they are able to have formed a generalized other and can imagine themselves as another entity, whether it be a person or society. The development of a generalized other and obtaining a sense of roles and boundaries is extremely important in becoming a successful individual within society. Children do not strictly follow the socialization that they are exposed to; asserting ones autonomy is one way of establishing their independence and separation from others. It appears that imaginary friends can help to serve this role. The exact way that an imaginary friend is manifested is unknown-however, much research has been performed on this topic but there is no argument that it is a creation belonging to and originated by the child alone. Marjorie Taylor (1999), a psychologist who has studied children and their imaginary friends, does affirm that typically, an imaginary companion is an excellent example of a private act of fantasy controlled by the child him or herself. The imaginary friend cannot be seen, interacted with or known without the aid of the child. It is a complete product and interaction that belongs solely to the child. There are also signs that even quite young children never completely loose touch with the fantasy status of their imaginary companions (Taylor, 1999). A child who has an imaginary friend is a common phenomenon and does not automatically result from psychological problems or neglect. However, it should be noted that situations, such as psychological issues and/or neglect should not be overlooked when assessing a child with an imaginary friend. Imaginary friends can serve various positive objectives in areas of the childs development. An imaginary friend could aid in creating feelings of importance, power, confidence, and could possibly lead to a greater acceptance of the self. Having an imaginary friend is one of the first independent acts separating the child from his/her mother or the childs primary caretaker. One of the endearing things about imaginary companions is that children can boss them around, direct their activities, and dictate their communication with others. There are a few case studies suggesting that if childrens sense of control over imaginary companions is diminished, the pretend friend sometimes disappears (Taylor, 1999). This interaction can assist a child to exercise his/her autonomy and develop more individual interaction skills. A second function of imaginary friends is the ability to assist the child develop stronger social boundaries. Several scholars consider the importance of imaginary friends to be a catalyst for development. Commonly, imaginary friends offer an outlet which a child can use both reality and fantasy to learn right and wrong as well as what is acceptable in the context of different roles. Machin wrote: fantasy allows children to contemplate moral and social issues at a safe distance in the land of make believe (Machin Davies, 2003). An imaginary friend could possibly be an agent between fantasy and reality and an instrument with which the child can explore their boundaries. One indicator that imaginary friends might be representative of children becoming autonomous is that they usually do share the information with their parents. Research has shown that although the parents lack of knowledge regarding their childs imaginary friend does not automatically come from the childs refusal to reveal information about their friend. An imaginary friend could possibly be a means a child uses to differentiate between fantasy and reality and an instrument with which the child can explore their boundaries. Children learn through the responses of others and that their behaviors have consequences (Handel, 1988). A childs creation of an imaginary world also offers an alternate place where children can learn about the needs, feelings, and expectations of others. Discovering about roles and societal boundaries and expectations from imaginary friends could possibly tie into the transition between Meads play and game stages, bridging the gap between the play and game stage since the child not only interacts with the imaginary friend but also exhibits its reactions and thoughts. It is complicated to identify if imaginary friends serve a positive function in a childs development of sense of self, role acquisition, and identity based on this research. Research of prior studies led to my theory that imaginary friends may serve with developing identity in children and assist the child learn societal boundaries. The growth of these characteristics in a child usually results in their ability to function well when interacting with others, allows a certain level of confidence in themselves, and provides a level of independence and/or willingness which will assist the child to implement their autonomy. Fundamentally, it appears that imaginary friends offer those that have them a chance to find structure in a non traditional fashion. According to many previous studies, approximately one third of all children between the ages of two and a half to four years of age have one or more imaginary friends and they tend to be more frequent among females. Some in the academic community, as well as, many within the general public do regard the existence of imaginary friends as a wonderful manifestation on the part of the child and will engage in dialogue and recognition of the imaginary friends. However, at the same time as there are those that acknowledge imaginary friends, there are many that do not think that the existence of an imaginary friend presents a positive influence or role in the childs development. It has been noted that the existence of an imaginary friend can actually cause tension within a family due to accommodations to involve this imaginary friend of their childs in family activities. Many parents are also cynical of the imaginary friend due to the possibility that the child may use the imaginary friend as a defense for the child to blame bad behavior upon. However, the suggestion that using the imaginary friend as an excuse is not certain. The most widespread characterization of an imaginary friend is an invisible character, named and referred to in conversation with other persons or played with directly for a period of time, having an air of reality for the child but no apparent objective basis (Taylor, 199) A greater part of imaginary friends take human form, have names, and are believed to really see, think, feel, know or act. Imaginary friends have been depicted as having a high level of importance to the children that still have them and/or to the adults that had them during childhood and these imaginary friends continue to typically complete some sort of nurturing function. Since many of these companions take on traits that are part of a childs daily interaction, one could suggest that these friends are influenced by the social world of the child and also serve to help the child develop more ways of learning how to interact. In addition, connecting with a friend, whether imaginary or not; a child is establishing their concept as an entity. This is important for social interaction and learning about human conduct, expectations and societal boundaries. Imaginary friends serve several levels of companionship functions that divert the child when out with a parent and/or caregiver, desiring play and social interactions, or situations when carrying out day-to-day routines. Some visits from the imaginary friend are very rare, while other times the appearance of the imaginary friend is a daily occurrence. Some children actually engage and play games with their friends while other children will just talk to the friend. One child (me) had their imaginary friend present during a move which correlates to the idea that an imaginary friend can be used as a means to adjust and learn about new situations. It appears these imaginary friends help those who had them- in some way- and performed some beneficial purpose. Though the capacity to evaluate this question would be incredibly difficult, it would be valuable to study where imaginary friends come from and how and why they are created. More research needs to be done with children who currently have an imaginary friend and in a way that information could then be compared and contrasted between those children with imaginary friends and those children without imaginary friends. On the other hand, while it may be ideal to explore this issue further, there are drawbacks to studying children. When interviews are being performed with children, it is uncertain that what they are answering is actually what we are asking them. Additionally, when dealing with imaginary friends and pretend play there is the added component of the childs ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. Unfortunately, there is no way to approach this issue which would be infallible. CONCLUSION Mead was accurate when he alluded to the fact that imaginary friends play a significant role in the development of the self. There are no blatantly bad indicators that imaginary friends are harmful. Nevertheless, there still exist many negative perceptions, both in research as well as within the general public. These perceptions link imaginary friends to problems later in life, ranging from unacceptable social behavior to forms of mental illness, including psychosis. It must be noted, there are cases where this link can be found, however, these cases include indicators of other problems, mental, emotional or physical. This culture is has become overly dependant on exposure to the media. Imaginary friends are quite often used for entertainment purposes and are frequently misrepresented. Taylor contends that imaginary friends are framed in a negative light; however, not every aspect of media portrayal is negative. Overall the media-meaning movies, books, etc. tends to over-exaggerate circumstances and highlight the negative aspects. Earlier work has shown the opposite and my findings from this research indicate that imaginary friends, more likely than not, could boost childhood development, confidence levels and establish stronger boundaries. Furthermore, while performing and compiling my research on this controversial topic, I have found that more information exists to support that the existence of an imaginary friend can assist a child deal with a myriad of issues and situations that may not be successfully dealt with and/or overcome without the assistance of an imaginary friend.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Evironmental Law: Enforcement Measures And Effectiveness Essay

Evironmental Law: Enforcement Measures and Effectiveness Pollution, why is it still running rampant in our environment today ? Are there no laws to control or stop it ? In regards to these questions, Canada has a great many laws to stop and regulate pollution. But despite this, why is it still happening. What are Canada's so called enforcement measures and are they effective ? We have the Environmental Bill of Rights and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, just to name a few. Sure some polluters break these laws and get caught, but all they get is a slap on the wrist; why is that ? Some even have the gual to pollute again. Acid rain and hazardous wastes are just two of the many problems plaguing our environment today, but nothing is really being done about them; why ? Finally what is the polluters point of view in all of this ? To begin with, in some areas there are both federal and provincial legislation to ensure that companies and individuals respect the environment. Federally the central piece of legislation in Canada is the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). "CEPA is the consolidation of five statutes: The Environmental Contaminants Act, the Air Quality Act, the Canada Water Act, the Ocean Dumping Act, and the Department of the Environment Act." ( Muldon, 1995, p. 23) The CEPA contains important penalties and sanctions; provisions for the collection of information and for evaluation; provisions for the control of importation and exportation of toxic substances; and provisions for the reduction of wastes, the cleanup of coastal zones, the protection of the ozone layer; the reduction of acid rain and urban smog; and provisions for the development of regulations. All provinces and territories have enacted their own legislation, establishing general environmental rights and responsibilities; but the level of environmental protection established is not equal all across Canada. Generally, it can be said that each province and territory regulates the discharge of contaminants into the environment by requiring licenses and permits and by invoking penalties. The regulated matters include environmental impact assessment, waste management, drinkable water standards, and land conservation. (Morrison, 1991, p24) Also, provinces and territories deal with several other matters i... ...5, November 17). Spend more to protect environment residents say. Toronto Star, p. A3. Monchuk, J. (1994, November 4). Pollution control must be voluntary, Alberta says. The Montreal Gazette, p. B8. Morrison, H. (1991) Federal Pollution Legislation. Canada: Minister of Supply and Service. Muldon, P. (1995). The Environmental Bill of Rights: A practical guide. Toronto: Edond Montgomery Publications Limited. Parker, P. (1992, March/April). Crime and Punishment. The Environmental Journal, pp.35-39. Poch, H. (1989). Corporate and Municipal Environmental Law. Toronto: Carswell. Rovet, E. (1988). The Canadian Business Guide to Environmental Law. Vancouver:Intself Counsel Press Ltd. Small, P. (1993, June 18). NDP reports jump in polluter's fines. Toronto Star, p. A10. Sterling, H. (1995, September 22). Backward steps for different reasons, on both sides of the border, the fight against pollution is under attack. The Montreal Gazette, p. B3. (

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Automotive Body Repairer Essay -- essays research papers

Automotive Body Repairer   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Auto body repairers Are highly skilled craftspeople who repair damaged automobile and truck bodies, restores body metal to the original contours, and replaces non-repairable body parts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I chose automotive body repairer for my report because I like to deal with cars and I enjoy performing hands-on activities. I like the hands-on and mechanical operation of this career. Automotive body repairer is in the Industrial and Engineering Iowa pathway.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The National Employment and Outlook of this career is currently stable. However the employment rate is expected to rise with the amount of automobiles that are lighter weight and that are more easily damaged when in a collision. As the number of motor vehicles in operation grows with the Nation’s population, the number damaged in accidents will also increase. Automobile body repairers normally work an eight hour day, five days a week. They are quite often paid according to the job. In the United States, the middle 50% of all workers earn between $15,600 and $31,200.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One to two years of postsecondary training is needed. Most of the employers would rather higher a person who has completed formal training in automotive body repair. For skill in all areas of body repair, it will usually require three to four years of on-the-job training. Employers want employees that know how to handle the tools...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Does Halstead Need a Bypass

Halstead is a small market town in South East England, North Essex, and within 15 miles west of Colchester. Halstead is next to the River Colne, and is situated in the Colne Valley. Halstead has a population of 10 000 and is also the only settlement of its size in the Essex region without a bypass. Halstead was also a weaving town (where sheep's wool is made into clothe). Halstead is central to several big towns, such as Colchester, Braintree and Haverhill. Everyday traffic from all these towns has to pass through Halstead high street in order to commute, this usually results in Halstead becoming greatly congested on a regular basis, increasing air and noise pollution, and therefore Halstead central could hugely benefit from a bypass. A bypass is a route, which is built to avoid or ‘bypass' congestion in a built up town or village, this lets traffic flow without interferences from local traffic, this improves congestion and road safety. There are many reasons for and against the construction of a bypass. Advantages: * Less congestion in town. * Less pollution in town central. * Lorries would no longer have to drive through the town. * Both noise and air pollution would decrease in town. * Local builders would hugely benefit, from work needed. * It will be quicker for people to travelling to work. Disadvantages: * Expensive, local tax payers of Halstead would compensate. * An increase in noise pollution. * An increase in Air pollution. * Bypass would destroy surrounding environment. * Less customers and income from commuters in the town centre. In the past there have been several proposals for a bypass to be built in Halstead. In 1987, the Essex County Council classified main roads into the town a ‘busy' and found that nearly 50 % of the traffic was passing through Halstead. A bypass was first proposed in 1990, and public discussions were held, and a preferred route emerged, although it was the most costly of all options, costing à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½11 million. Four Years later two small changes were made to the route, following further discussions. Later, in 1997, it was decided that a bypass may be built after 2000, when sufficient funds may become available, but has continued to be put on hold. After analysing my results I conclude that I do not believe that a bypass should be built in Halstead. I think that he environmental impact, and impact on local residents is too big. Taxes would increase enormously and the consequence on businesses in the town will also be huge. The environment would be destroyed, ruining many habitats and bridle paths so horse riders and hikers wouldn't benefit at all. Although I don't believe Halstead needs a bypass, if one were to be built, I reckon that route A is the best choice, as this route goes further around the town than route B, therefore the town of Halstead would be much quieter, and less disturbed by the air and noise pollution.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How far does Austens writing in Volume I and Volume II of the novel? Essay

Austen’s writing is almost constantly persuading the reader that Elizabeth is the heroine of the novel; from the opening pages it is clear by Austen’s brave statement that the matrimonial prospects of the Bennet daughters will dominate the novel: ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife’ yet the reader is still unaware which daughter it is. Since it cannot be Mary (described as a pedantic, book educated bore), nor Kitty or Lydia (both critically depicted by the narrator as flirtatious and idle girls) the reader is left to decide between Jane and Elizabeth. Austen at first hints that it may be Jane, with her perfect charm and character yet soon it is apparent that Austen prefers a less conventional heroine whose lack of extraordinary physical beauty makes her both an inspirational character and also a kind of girl with whom everyone can identify. Elizabeth is also admirable to the reader as she is independent of thought and stands up for herself, even to those far above her in social standing (Darcy, Lady Catherine) which Austen fully supports. Austen’s writing partly reveals this simply by the large amount of attention paid to the events that happen to Elizabeth, Elizabeth’s opinion about every event and the way in which the narrator seems to second all of Elizabeth’s opinions, mimicking Elizabeth’s language and style by Austen’s use of free indirect speech for example ‘it was impossible not to long to know’ when Elizabeth is curious about the strange greeting between Wickham and Darcy. This allows the reader to sympathize with Elizabeth and to understand Elizabeth’s feelings without her having to say them out loud. Austen’s writing style is also mimicked in Elizabeth’s tone (witty, intelligent and funny): ‘I believe, he is very much what he ever was’ when describing Darcy, hinting at Wickham’s false character. Another reason for which the reader may think of Elizabeth as the heroine is because the reader sees the unfolding plot and the other characters mostly from Elizabeth’s viewpoint for example when Miss Bingley is trying to win over Darcy’s affections: ‘Miss Bingley’s attention was quite as much engaged in watching Mr Darcy’s progress through his book’. This provides the reader the viewpoint from someone in the room, who is mocking Miss Bingley light-heartedly, likely to be Elizabeth. However, Austen’s writing may discourage the reader that Elizabeth is in fact the heroine when her faults are evident yet she has not accepted them yet, for example Elizabeth’s feeling of embarrassment about her own family and her impulsiveness and tendency to make assumptions of character too hastily. The reader may especially disapprove of Elizabeth in Chapter IX of Volume I, where Elizabeth is clearly deeply embarrassed by her mother’s untactful rudeness: ‘said Elizabeth, blushing for her mother’, yet does not notice her own rudeness: It does not necessarily follow that a deep, intricate character is more or less estimable than such a one as yours’. Yet another way in which Austen suggests that Elizabeth is the heroine, is by showing that Darcy is the hero, since both have a constant connection to each other, whether it is the hatred of the other, or the heated discussions between the two, or the uncontrollable affection to the other. One way which Austen shows us that Darcy is the hero is by agreeing with his statements: ‘I cannot boast of knowing more than half a dozen, in the whole range of my acquaintance, that are really accomplished’. Darcy is especially noticeable as the hero of the novel when the plot surrounds him more, after his proposal to Elizabeth. Darcy and Elizabeth also mirror each other in the way that both are intelligent and show opinions similar to Austen’s, and both overcome their own faults (Darcy: pride, Elizabeth: prejudice). It is this self-discovery and realization of faults that convinces us that Elizabeth is the heroine, as her character develops since her introduction with Darcy. It is the fact that Elizabeth realizes her faults,that makes it easy for a reader to relate to her. In conclusion, in my opinion Austen’s writing greatly persuades the reader that without a doubt, Elizabeth is the heroine of the novel, going through character development and self-realisation, aswell as Austen’s use of mimicking her own style in Elizabet’s tone and language.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

King Priam of Troy

â€Å"Come inside the wall, child; here you may fight on to save our Trojan men and women† was the last attempt King Priam of Troy had in keeping Prince Hector from going out of their walls to go head to head with Achilles.He was speaking not only as a king but also as his father. This was the final plea of the king who already foresaw the doom that Troy was meeting. Priam had already declared that Hector would die if he went out there. He could only plead with his son not to go out and give Achilles the glory that he was seeking in his invitation for a battle between them.Priam used different arguments to keep Hector from going out to face Achilles. In this situation, the readers could feel the desperation of Priam that represented the desperation of the entire city. The readers, as they sense the desperation of Priam would empathize with the old king and rally behind the prince of Troy. The king basically presented the directions by which the story would go into.Priamâ€℠¢s argument included that if Hector did not go out to meet Achilles, he could still fight, together with the Trojan army, for the women and men of the city.He would not let Achilles have his glory. He would show his father pity by not going outside. On the other hand, if Hector went out, Priam already knew what would happen: â€Å"my sons brought down, my daughters dragged away, bedchambers ravaged, and small children hurled to earth in the atrocity of war, as my son’s wives are taken by Achaeans’ ruinous hands.†The final words a father could say to his son, who was about to meet his death, was something that moved the readers into rallying for Hector. Before, Achilles may have been the protagonist but this speech turned the tables around and the readers empathized for the fate of the Trojans and sees Prince Hector as significant in their lives.   This speech made Hector’s death more meaningful and heartbreaking for the readers. It was something that ma de the climax of the epic more dramatic and heart wrenching that was attributed to Homer’s storytelling.Book 23Achilles was seen as a brute that killed Hector in his animalistic rage. It was evident that before Hector died, Homer already depicted him as the prince, the son, the husband and the father.Hector was all these things to the Trojans and yet Achilles was just seen as a great warrior. The glory that was meant for Achilles could not be fully appreciated because he was not all the things Hector were. It seemed that the readers would think that it should have been Hector who had won the battle instead of Achilles.When the ghost of Patroclos appeared to Achilles, the readers were reminded of why Achilles killed Hector. It was to avenge his dear friend and cousin. It reminded the readers of the emotional side of Achilles who was also heartbroken when Hector murdered Patroclos. Even if it was accidental, this confusion provided for this epic a tragedy.Patroclos appeared and urged Achilles to retrieve his body from the Trojans because he apparently could not crossover without a proper burial. It showed the human side of Achilles more than emphasizing on the character of Patroclos.However, it did show him and how he depended on Achilles, even in the moments in his afterlife wherein he was crying out to Achilles to let his soul rest. He accused Achilles of neglect when he had died when in reality, Achilles mourned for him and even murdered Hector because of him.However, the bottom line of the passage served its purpose for getting the readers’ sympathy for Achilles. He was not just some prince-murderer. He was Patroclos’ avenger.The fact that it was Hector who had accidentally killed him was played a powerful part of the epic. It was further established when Patroclos made Achilles remember the depth of the consequence of his death: â€Å" Never again will you and I, alive and breathing, huddle side-by side, apart from loyal comrades, maki ng plans together—never.†AgamemnonAegisthus, the lover of Agamemnon’s wife Clytaemnestra, spoke the passage. It was in response to the recrimination of the chorus because of the joy he found in the murder of his cousin, Agamemnon himself. The chorus was made out of the elderly people in the council. They were rebuking him for his adulterous affair with Clytaemnestra.In the passage, he was going against the chorus with words and actions. He talked down to the elders in language and nonverbal manners. He felt that he had every right to considering what his family, especially his father had been through because of Agamemnon’s father.His speech expressed the rage he had and how he did not care nor was he afraid of the things that would follow as he saw this time as the time for avenging his family. Agamemnon’s family had put down his family in such a horrible manner and it was time for Aegisthus to put down everyone else because of it. He was showing ho w he had the upper hand now and it indicated his pride and confidence for the situation.The passage regarded the threats he had for the Chorus of Elders and for anyone who would come against him. He came like a bully who was willing to put down anything. During this time, it seemed that he had consolidated for himself the power that his father was fighting for. However, this time it seemed that he was going to rule with an iron hand.He was especially not going to make it easy on those who sided with Agamemnon and those who rebuked him, â€Å"You’ll learn, in your late age, how muck it hurts to teach old bones their place.† He threatened them with captivity and deprivation of food. He saw that it was fit for the chorus because of how they looked down on him, despite the fact that he was responsible for a murder.He was oblivious and contained a self-righteous image that he validated because of a past that had left him embittered. He thought that he was the one in control as he threatened to teach them a lesson the hard way. However, this was seen to be a foreshadowing of his own downfall in the end.While readers understand his rage, they were also turned off by his arrogance and disrespect. It showed how his bitterness had pulled him to the dark side and how it was understandable and acceptable if he did not get what he had always wanted.Pericles’ Funeral OrationThucydides revealed in Pericles’ funeral oration the casualties of war. It reflected on the humanity that was involved and affected because of war. In this passage, he was talking about a plague that overtook the area. People were dying everywhere and it just painted a devastating scenario, â€Å"sight of people dying like sheep through having caught the disease as a result of nursing others.† People could not help because it was an infectious disease and there was a sense of hopelessness that aroseThis passage was also heartbreaking in the manner by which human lives w ere at stake and no one could really do anything about it if they were not willing their own lives. It was a tragedy because of the number of the people who died and how no one could do anything about it because if they did they would also die.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Does Golding Present Simon in Lord of the Flies-What Is His Role? Essay

William Goldings â€Å"Lord of the flies†, portrays a group of boys who find themselves stranded on a desert island in a deep battle between civilisation and primitive savagery. One of the boys portrayed, Simon, a boy who is kind and physically fragile expresses a deeper knowledge of the problems on the island that the other boys are unaware of. There are many differing viewpoints on his role in the novel. One of these is that he is a biblical parallel; Simon portrays a saintly figure, and shows many of the qualities demonstrated by Jesus Christ. He demonstrates a strong connection with nature throughout, and also is shown to be a character of strong goodwill and kindness. One of the reasons Simon is often thought of as a biblical parallel to Jesus Christ is because of his encounter with â€Å"The beast†, which shows a strong resemblance to Jesus’ 40 days in the desert, in which he encountered the Devil and was tempted by him to leave his mission. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, Simon meets the beast during an epileptic fit. His mind, or the Beast tells him â€Å"We are going to have fun on this island†¦so don’t try it on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Simon is being told that he must not tell the others what he knows, that they must have fun and Simon must not interfere, but he must just â€Å"run off and play†. The name â€Å"Lord of the Flies† is a translation of a word thought to mean a powerful demon, or the devil himself. This shows that Simon may have represented Jesus in the novel. Simon’s death also shows resemblance to that of Jesus, which shows us that Simon may be Christ’s representation in the novel. ‘Simon was crying out something of a dead man on a hill. ‘ This imagery is displayed just before Simon is mercilessly slaughtered by the other boys, a direct link to the image of Jesus’ crucifixion on the top of a hill. After Christ was killed, it was said that ‘There was darkness over all the land†¦and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.’ These supernatural biblical descriptions recount the solar eclipse and the earthquake which took place after Jesus’ death. This relates to the death of Simon; ‘The clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfall’, signifying his death. When Jesus was crucified, he died to save mankind. This relates to Simon confronting the figure on the mountaintop. When he died â€Å"the parachute took the figure forward†¦and bumped it out to sea†. When Simon died, the dead air pilot was finally  released from his purgatorial state on the island, and as Jesus died and salvaged mankind, Simon died and exorcised the soul who lingered between life and death, and between heaven and hell. This shows us that Simon had many strong parallels with Jesus and may have been his biblical parallel in the novel. Simon is a representation of hope and innocence on the island, and has a strong and vital connection with nature. In the novel, Simon has a special place in the forest where he can go and sit alone, at one with his surroundings. â€Å"The sunlight pelted down and the butterflies danced.† This description indicates that this place where Simon often resides is almost paradisiacal, and Simon is able to appreciate the true beauty of the island; it’s beauty is not thwarted by his presence, as it is with the other boys. Simon has a strong connection with the island and with nature itself. Simon is able to see the true beauty in the things that others cannot. The ‘creepers’, which had once hindered the boys and were previously referred to as ‘snake-like’, aid him and form ‘a large mat’. This shows his unity with nature. When Simon ventures into the forest the white ‘candle buds’ open themselves up, which and returned to peaceful place that he came from. Simon is connected with nature throughout the novel, but is only truly at one with it when he dies. The body of the dead airman being pulled out to sea could also symbolise Simons soul being finally released from the confines of life and returning to nature where it belongs. Simon’s true sense of pure goodwill is first demonstrated in his expressed concern for the more vulnerable boys. He help the littluns to get fruit, and ‘pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands’. He also helps Piggy to get his glasses back when Jack has knocked them off, showing that he does not discriminate against Piggy because he is different but chooses to help him, even if this may cause him to suffer in the future. These may indicate that Simon, though other characters may be thought of as â€Å"good† and kind, such as Piggy or Ralph, Simon shows no flaws at all. Simon possesses a deep knowledge and understanding about the truth of the island and the beast of which the other boys know not. He also seems to posses many mystic qualities. He is the first to understand truly that the beast is not a physical or material being, but something that lives within the boys. Unlike piggy or Ralph, who are able to appreciate adult knowledge and understanding, Simon possesses  the ability to see the darker side of knowledge. For Simon, the eyes of the Pig’s head on the stick are â€Å"dim with the infinite cynicism of adult life†, meaning that adults believe nothing is ideal, therefore his realisation in itself is cynical– the beast lives within the children, making Simon distrust the human nature. He knows the truth but is unable to get it across to the other boys; â€Å"Simon became inarticulate in his effort to express mankind’s’ essential illness†. Simon understands the truth behind the beast- that the beast itself thrives within the boys, is not something living that can be hunted, but is mankind’s â€Å"essential illness†, the evil that lurks within all men, waiting to be released. The fact that Simon is â€Å"inarticulate† shows that he is unable to express the truth to the others, and even if he had, the boys would not have listened or cared. His death relates to the elements- his knowledge is elemental . Golding shows us the significance of his death by shifting the focus from the movements of Simon’s body to the movements of the sun, the moon and the stars, inciting that Simon’s knowledge was as essential as the elements themselves. However, even though he is portrayed as a weak character right from the beginning, Simon is much braver than he seems; he is the one who climbs the mountain to encounter â€Å"the beast†, at which he discovers that the beast is not material. Simon possesses a number of mystical qualities, such as his pathetic abilities. Simon prophesizes to Ralph â€Å"you’ll get back to where you came from†, almost indicating that he may not. Simon foresees his own death and predicts that Ralph will ret urn home. Another way in which Simon’s mystical qualities are shown is when he asks the other boys rhetorical questions which require much thought to answer, such as â€Å"what is the dirtiest thing there is?† All of these indicate that Simon is a mystic and possesses a much deeper and darker knowledge than the other boys. To conclude, Golding’s presentation of Simon shows us his biblical parallel with Jesus and his significant unity with nature, which lets Simon see the true beauty of the island where others cannot, indicating that it is not the island that is against them but that the boys are against the island, truly centralised around destruction and savagery. He represents Hope and bravery and has a deep and perhaps dark knowledge, which enables him to perceive the truth much more clearly than the other boys. He also has a flawless good will. This shows us that Simon’s true role in the novel was that he alone  had the power to save the boys from themselves, for he alone had the knowledge of the beast’s true nature. Simon was killed because of this, however he was killed as the beast – yet it is ironic that he said the beast was â€Å"only us†. Simon was the least beast-like, which makes one wonder whether him being less savage makes him more or less human.

Voltaire’s Candide Relevant to Modern Society

Dimattia, Devin English 12 AP Period 2 Gonzalez 10-5-11 Does Voltaire’s Candide connect to Modern Society? The tone and theme of Candide, a classic work of literature, make the novel relevant to today's modern world. These two elements of the story bring the classic to life for new generations to relate to as they read it. The satiric story unites a new generation of modern readers to a historical past as they identify with both the theme and tone of the novel as a whole. The tone of Voltaire's highly satirical work is humorously hopeless, and the tone is humorous because Candide and his fellow characters grasp the idea, set forth by the philosopher Pangloss, that â€Å"everything is for the best† and there is â€Å"the best of both possible worlds. † This blind optimism is negated time after time through the misfortunes that Candide and the rest of the story's characters experience, yet the characters press on with their hopelessly positive attitudes throughout their lives. When confronted with the bleak realities of the horrors of life by a scholar, Candide only replies, â€Å"I've seen worse, but a wise man, who later had the misfortune to be hanged, taught me that such things are exactly as they should be: they're the shadows in a beautiful picture. † This tone is achieved by the horrific events that the characters of Candide endure and their disinclination to accept the idea that, maybe, they really are doomed, and not all is actually for the best. The reader is inclined to give up on hope long before any of the characters do. For example, Candide loses his beloved Pangloss and the kind Anabaptist on his journey to the utopian Eldorado, gets beaten and whipped, kills more than one person, and suffers numerous other misfortunes while still concluding that all is still for the best because he can still find Cunegonde. After Pangloss is hanged, dissected, beaten, and made to row in a galley, he still believes that everything is for the best. Candide asks him, â€Å"Tell me, dear Pangloss †¦ id you still think that everything was for the best in this world? † And Pangloss replies, â€Å"I still hold my original opinions†. He goes on to say that his reasoning is due to the fact that he is a philosopher and it would be wrong to take back what he had said. Also, at the end of the novel, Candide, Cunegonde, Pangloss, and the Old Woman all decide that they are well-off where they are and that they may as well tend the ir garden, disregarding every horrible thing that they have had to experience in their pasts. Pangloss portrayed this best when he said to Candide at the end, â€Å"All events are inter-connected in this best of all possible worlds, for if you hadn't been driven from a beautiful castle with hard kicks in the behind because of your love for Lady Cunegonde, if you hadn't been seized by the Inquisition, if you hadn't wandered over America on foot, if you hadn't thrust your sword through the baron, and if you hadn't lost all your sheep from the land of Eldorado, you wouldn't be here eating candied citrons and pistachio nuts. This final note of proof of their perpetual optimism is consistent with the tone, where Cunegonde is ugly, the Old Woman is disagreeable, and none of the characters are very happy, yet they all continue to busy themselves with something to do and continue being hopeful. â€Å"The whole group entered into this commendable plan, and each began to exercise his own talents. The theme of Candide is that life is utterly unfair and will continue to give everyone a rough time despite a person's attitude of hope or a faith in everything being for the best. This prominent theme is shown over and over again as Candide and his companions suffer innumerable misfortunes and tragedies even through the existence of their collectively strong belief that everything will turn out for the best. Each character is traumatized and miserable most of the time. Some are even thought to be dead several times. By the end of the novel, the reader is almost in awe that Candide and the others have not given up on life entirely. The reader ultimately sees that it is hopeless to think that things will turn out well for the characters. However, it is also impossible to believe that they will not continue to live, learn, and try to be happy nonetheless.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Enzyme Linked Assays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enzyme Linked Assays - Essay Example hydrogen donors in equation 2 and 3 is quite low, as a result AH2 can be a variety of compounds, and many different bindings or linkings are possible. In this way antibodies are conjugated to enzymes in order to amplify the signal via the catalytic properties of the enzymes. HRP conjugates are ideally used for ELISA or enzyme- linked immunosorbent assays. HRP has a fast catalytic rate and can generate more products in shorter incubation time, allowing for greater sensitivity. HRP-labeled antihuman IgG can be used to bind to target antigen in an assay system to localize even trace amounts of biomolecules. This biomolecules produce dityrosin bonds by reaction with HRP to produce (Adopted from Rob, P.M. et al. 2002). When used for an assay this will give rise to a reaction like Different types of linked assays and their properties: There are mainly two types of ELISA assays. 1. Sandwich. 2. Competitive. Sandwich: This is also known as two-antibody sandwich ELISA. This is used for determination of antigen concentration in unknown samples. With a purified antigen standard, it can determine absolute amount of antigen in a sample. This requires two antibodies, capture and detection, that bind to epitopes that do not overlap. Two monoclonal antibodies that recognize discrete sites on the antigen or two polyclonal affinity purified antibodies are used. The capture antibody is purified and bound to the solid phase. Antigen is added, and antigen-antibody binding occurs. This creates a sandwich. Quantification of the assay is then made by measuring the amount of labeled second antibody bound to the matrix by the use of a colourimetric substrate (Please see the picture). Competitive: Nonpurified primary antibodies may be... Kay,E., Leland, M. S., and Lew, J. Y., (1967). Peroxidase Isozymes from Horseradish Roots, Ii. Catalytic Properties, The Journal Of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 242, No. 10, Issue Of May 25, Pp. 247lbz473,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Endgame Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Endgame - Essay Example The play mirrors this chess approach by comparing it to life. Life is just like endgame in chess where there are few moves left, but the actual end is unknown and unwanted. Hamm talks of how his life is close to the end and he would like to finish it. According to Byron (2007), when Hamm says, â€Å"I hesitate, I hesitate to end. Yes, there it is, its time it ended and yet I hesitate to end,† (Byron, 2007) he talks about how the end is not the simplest choice (p. 2). To man, the world is seen as a source of suffering. Hamm says that that his mother, father and dog all suffer â€Å"as much as creatures can suffer†. He, however, insists than none of them experience â€Å"suffering that equals† his own. From this illustration, the world is depicted as not being understanding to other people’s pain. Repetition has been used by Beckett to emphasize certain themes and motifs of the play. For instance, the words ‘finished’ and ‘end’ have been used repeatedly to emphasize the nature of the end game. While Clov says, â€Å"Finished, its finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished† to show the never-ending nature of his task, Hamm uses it repeatedly to ask if his servant can ‘finish’ him (Byron,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Pathophysiology of Acute gastritis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pathophysiology of Acute gastritis - Essay Example Protective factors in the stomach lining include, bicarbonate production, mucous production by goblet cells than line stomach bed preventing direct action from acids, whereas erosive factors include hydrochloric acid production and enzyme production (Croft, 2014). Based on the CT scan findings of the abdomen, the presence of hiatal hernia, that implies that the stomach has protruded through a weakening at the hiatus. A protruded stomach is subjected to excess acidity leading to gastritis (Croft, 2014). The form of gastritis which one gets is always severe explaining the nauseas and vomiting which the patient was getting leading the patient not to swallow solid foods since they induce mucosal acidity the most. The patient is more likely suffering from severe Los Angeles Class D erosive esophagitis secondary to acute gastritis caused by hiatal hernia. Acute gastritis induced vomiting episodes for the patient that led to erosion of the distal portion of the esophagus explaining the irregular shaped mucosa (Croft,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

You can choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You can choice - Essay Example This essay is a rhetorical review of the film â€Å"Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles†. Movie producer Jon Foy creates the movie, Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles with the intention of finding out the person responsible with placing tiled messages of resurrecting the dead in various streets of U.S and South America. These Toynbee tiles are hundreds of roughly lettered tiles fixed using tar to pavements and sidewalks in numerous cities in U.S.A and in three South American cities. Toynbee tiles appearance might be in the year 1983 and they seem to bear the same message ‘TOYNBEE IDEA, IN MOVIE 2001, RESURRECT DEAD, PLANET JUPITER. In this idiosyncratic and obstinate documentary, Jon Foy intends to find out the person responsible for creating and placing these Toynbee tiles at the various places they have been spotted. The film tries to achieve its purpose by employing the characters of three young men obsessed with the urge of finding out the artist behind the Toynbee tiles. The three characters go through various strange experiences in their mission. They encountered various peculiar places, among them addresses in south Philadelphia, a convention of ham radio operators and a passage in an old Philadelphia Inquirer. At one instance, Duerr walks out of a Philadelphia deli at around and happens to find a new tile fixed at that place a few minutes ago. He goes around the area shouting, â€Å"Toynbee Idea! I agree!† (Resurrect Dead), but he are unlucky and cannot spot any the person who fixed the tile. They succeed in finding one person who they suspect is responsible with placing these tiles. The suspect’s neighbor confirms indeed that he is the person responsible with placing the tiles. The film is generally interesting with various scenes succeeding in creating suspense as the trio track down the tile progenitor. The use of narratives in this film is however

Monday, September 9, 2019

US HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

US HISTORY - Essay Example Schools including colleges for blacks and hospitals were built during the reconstruction era. Consequently, economic progress attained caused an improvement in the living standards of citizens. Besides economic outcomes, social reforms also formed part of the reconstruction era. Civil rights bill that advocated equal privileges among America citizens passed by the radical republicans, for example, ended black codes that encouraged forced slavery (Bodenhamer & Ely, 2008). The civil rights bill initiated freedom among citizens leading to the creation of social facilities in black communities such as schools, churches. It further encouraged self-leadership. Political reforms during the reconstruction era changed the governance system of the country. Reconstruction amendments such as the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments outlawed slavery, created framework of bringing southerners to the federal government and strengthened blacks civil rights. In July 9, 1865 for instance, the ratification of the fourteenth amendment ensured that the civil rights act created by radical republicans to fight for the equity of citizens remains valid (Nelson, 2009). Arguably, reconstruction era was a success in American history because of the various social, economic and political advancements attained. It created foundation for development and unity within federal States after civil war besides creating sanity to black rights. It also encouraged the creation of human rights movements such as women

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Antibiotic sensitivity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Antibiotic sensitivity - Lab Report Example The third section contains the results generated from the lab report while the fourth section contains the discussions of the results generated herein. The last section has the conclusion on the overall matters discussed I the entire paper Antibiotic sensitivity is also referred to as the antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria to a given antibiotics. Susceptibility tests are conducted, in laboratories, to investigate which antibiotics would be suitable for treating a bacterial infection in question (National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, 2002; Lalitha, Manayani, Priya, Jesudason, Thomas, & Steinhoff, 1997). Various methods have been developed by scientists to help in testing for sensitivity/ susceptibility of bacteria to a given antibiotic. These methods include the CDS method (Murray, 1990), the Stokes method (Hiramatsu, Hanaki, Ino, Yabuta, Oguri, & Tenover, 1997), the E- test method (Lalitha, Manayani, Priya, Jesudason, Thomas, & Steinhoff, 1997), and Agar and Broth method (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2002) among others. These methods can be categorized as quantitative methods (Hamilton-Miller & Shah, 2000), qualitative methods (Tait-Kamradt, Davies, Appelbaum, Depardieu, Courvalin, & al., 2000), automated susceptibility tests (Malbruny, Werno, Anderson, Murdoch, & Leclercq., 2004), newer non- automated susceptibility tests (Chu, Afzah-Shah, Huang, Palepou, & Lyon, 2001), and the molecular tests (Kirby, Sader, Walsh, & Jones, 2004). Each of the listed tests above is applicable in either of the two cases of bacterial resistance. Bacteria exhibit two kinds of resistance to antibiotics; these are the intrinsic resistance and the acquired resistance. Intrinsic resistance is a condition whereby the bacteria are naturally resistant to a given antibiotic even before its use. Acquired resistance, on the other hand, is acquired by

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Can food ever be too cheap Can consumers be denied choice Can Essay

Can food ever be too cheap Can consumers be denied choice Can supermarkets offer the lowest prices and still be ethical You - Essay Example There is an argument if it is ethical for business community to overlook the environmental damage cause by the transportation of food from thousands of miles away, consume fossil fuels and cause green house gases. On the other hand people argue that the imported organic food items creats much of the CO2 at its production site. For instance, lamb imported from New Zealand produce around 1500 pounds of CO2 per ton while the same produce four times if raised in Britain. Since I am an staunch supporter of importing items from other countries, it is important to make one understnd that carbon emission is not the only reason for global warming issue. Other factors, which economists term as ‘factors inputs and externalities’, like use of fertilizers, packaging disposals, irrigation methodology, use of different types of transportations etc. are also considered while using ‘Food Mile Calculator’, a technique to quantify the carbon emission footprints. Secondly, grow ing population of the world has made it impossible to feed through local grown production. Therefore, rather an effort to control the obsession for food of our consumers, go beyond the borders, utilize naturally fertile lands and provide sustainable products irrespective of the season. The new deal drafted by World Trade Organization is helping new economies to emerge. It ensures that trade balance does not fall in favor of rich countries only. Countries like Indonesia and Bangladesh with huge populations are discouraged to depend only on American and European economic aids, and adopt ‘catch-up’ policies to reduce their trade deficit. The Soil Association (UK) voices for the â€Å"food miles† labelling system but insists that it is not trying to stop air-freight, produces more carbon dioxide than any other tansportation means. Reseachers believe that concentrating only on air-freighted products, that constitutes only 0.5% of the global production (Soil Associatio n), will hurt the economic efforts to build local economies of the under-developed countries. I can, therefore, confidently state that the real issue is not about the global warming but the accessibility of our consumers to a sustainable organic product and information about the economic and social impact of intercontinental world trade. Despite of freedom of choice, more environmental friendly and financial boost that each â€Å"food mile† brings to the international communities, people stand against it. I am not against the local producers, but people tends to be over conscious when it comes to air-freighted food. Of course, it does not bring the price down, but makes it possible to offer the food they like when it is not being home grown. The availability of such items gives an added-value to the supermarkets and for that businesses are entirely elligible to add increased cost of transportation and logistics. For instance, locally grown British broccoli, available only fro m February to April, is much cheaper than the Zimbabwean purple broccoli, available through out the year. Personally, I would prefer ‘food miles’ labels tagged rather denying our consumers from having healthy food choices, just because of a false notion. This is unethical business practice and does not help the local as well as international societies in any way possible. There are several